PEAK XOOPS - GIJOE, PiCal Future in englishin japanese

GIJOE, PiCal Future

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question GIJOE, PiCal Future

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/9/26 9:27
tripmon  Private 1st Class   Posts: 14

Hope you are well since we last talked.

I have 2 quick questions for you if you have a moment to reply.

1) Are you still considering templating PiCal at some time in the future?

2) Are you considering merging the My Evolution (CSS) code (in the PiCal forums here) at some point?

I ask as I have been editing my changes into each revision and would like to make change management as easy as possible as PiCal moves forward.

As always, thank you for your great contributions.
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