PEAK XOOPS - SQL insert for recurring event in englishin japanese

SQL insert for recurring event

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question SQL insert for recurring event

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/4/20 12:38
larsra99  Private   Posts: 1
I'm trying to create a page that will insert several recurring events (birthdays) into piCal's database.

I don't understand how the
'start' & 'end'
fields are calculated.

I know that they are 84600 seconds apart - 1 day - but I don't understand how the other part of the value is calculated.

Any help is appreciated.


INSERT INTO `xoops_pical_event` ( `id` , `uid` , `groupid` , `summary` , `location` , `organizer` , `sequence` , `contact` , `tzid` , `description` , `dtstamp` , `categories` , `transp` , `priority` , `admission` , `class` , `rrule` , `rrule_pid` , `unique_id` , `allday` , `start` , `end` , `start_date` , `end_date` , `cid` , `comments` , `event_tz` , `server_tz` , `poster_tz` , `extkey0` , `extkey1` )
'', '00000001', '00000', 'Test Event', '', '', '0', '', 'GMT', 'test event desc', NOW( ) , '', '1', '0', '1', 'PUBLIC', 'FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=6;WKST=SU', '', 'pical060-md5hash-that-is-unique', '5', '2122848000', '2122934400', NULL , NULL , '00000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0000000000', '0000000000'
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