PEAK XOOPS - Re: how to implement gticket2 in englishin japanese

Re: how to implement gticket2

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question Re: how to implement gticket2

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/5/14 4:28
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi krobi.

i'am wondering what this "'(your area name)'" exaclty do and mean.
"area" means purpose of the ticket.

Even if you buy the ticket for japan-brasil in the heat, you cannot watch the final germany-brasil

i have tried it with and without the "'(your area name)'" and it works always.
"gticket" checks loosely like this.

deep referer ok && area ok -> ok
deep referer ok && area ng -> ok
deep referer ng && area ok -> ok
deep referer ng && area ng -> ng

Because "deep referer" and "area" have almost the same effect.

If you issue a ticket with the area of "myblocksadmin" and you check the area is "mytplsadmin", "area" will be NG.

But if you send right referer, the total result of the check will be OK.

and i have a second question, how can a add a gticket2 to a xoops_confirm?
I don't think it is necessary to add gticket2 into xoops_confirm.
In the latest version of xoops, "xoops_confirm" has a ticket from XOOPS core.

The advantages of using gticket2 in your module:
(1) independence of core versions (XOOPS 2.0/2.2, XOOPS Cube, Oreteki, MOX etc)
(2) auto repost form

If your module have textarea for long text, (2) will be the big advantage

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