PEAK XOOPS - upload problem with mshtml.dll error in englishin japanese

upload problem with mshtml.dll error

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question upload problem with mshtml.dll error

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/2/18 3:55
nomatter  Private   Posts: 2
Hi, I have some problem with upload images under Windows XP. Every time I upload image, I've got an error with iexplore.exe which reported that my mshtml.dll error. And then close all my IE browsers. But anyway, images have been uploaded. I tried two computers with different usernames, it's all the same.

I checked Microsoft website, on which it mentioned that there's some bug in IE 6.0 SP1 with mshtml.dll.

But you know it's not only me upload images, but also other users, how can I avoid such bug? Who can help me?
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