PEAK XOOPS - Re: blocking a user in accessing my website in englishin japanese

Re: blocking a user in accessing my website

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question Re: blocking a user in accessing my website

msg# 1.2
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/7/30 17:54
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi karedokx.
one of the member of my xoops website keeps sending blank message, news, etc (abusing my website with blank messages).

it's really annoyed me. how can i trap his/her ip address? will it help to block him/her in accessing my website or there is a better way to achieve that?
It's a both easy and diffcult problem.

It is easy to blocking blank message.

eg)disabling blank PM

insert this into anywhere of mainfile.php
if( isset( $_POST['message'] ) && trim( $_POST['message'] ) ) exit ;

However, if he/she try to post not blank message but some meaningless messages, it will be no use.

It is like a problem of "commenting spam".

The best way for current XOOPS is to configure news as "NEED-ADMIT" etc...
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