PEAK XOOPS - Problem with a RSS in englishin japanese

Problem with a RSS

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question Problem with a RSS

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/6/21 1:39
PhF  Private   Posts: 6
I am trying xoops on a test site before production

I have a problem with a RSS

when i try to configure I have the message in french :
"Echec de la sauvegarde des donnñÆs pour la base de donnñÆ du flux headline ATIH XmlParse error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 3

The RSS is Encoded in ISO-8859-15 the normal Charset for France. As you post, i have try to modify
headlinerenderer.php and replacing all WINDOWS-1251 by ISO-8859-15
and in admin.php _AM_ENCODINGS but it locks the site.

So the two question, is it only a charset problem, and if it is how to modify for the different charset.

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