PEAK XOOPS - Auto-Login redirect page in englishin japanese

Auto-Login redirect page

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question Auto-Login redirect page

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/3/18 21:36
marcan  Private 1st Class   Posts: 13
Hi, first I would like to congratulate you for all the hacks you're doing. They all reallly helped me

I have a tiny problem with the auto-login hack. Let's take the following example about userX :
- userX has activated the auto-login function for siteA
- It works perfectly : when he opens his browser and go to siteA, he is automatically loged in
- userX now has his browser closed
- He receives a notification by email : a new message has been posted in the forums of siteA
- He clicks on the link provided in the post.
- His browser opens, and, because of the excellent auto-login hack, he automatically logs in
- However, he is redirected on the home page and not on the forum post he was hoping for.

A lot of my users are complaining because they don't understand what is happeninh lol

I've looked at the code and found this :
// redirect to XOOPS_URL/ when query string exists (anti-CSRF)
if( ! empty( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) {
redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/' , 0 , _AUTOMATIC_LOGIN ) ;
exit ;

It seems as it is on purpose that the user is redirected to the home page, because it protects from a certain attack ?

Is there a way the user could be redirected to the page he was asking ?

Thanks for your help !

CHeers !
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