PEAK XOOPS - Question about "Watch time for high loadings (sec)" setting in englishin japanese

Question about "Watch time for high loadings (sec)" setting

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question Question about "Watch time for high loadings (sec)" setting

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/2/4 6:57
brashquido  Private 1st Class   Posts: 18
Hi All,

I've just updated to Protector 2.31 (yet to update to 2.32 for MySQL debug fix) and I've noticed somethng that doesn't seem to be working, or I've got myself a little confused.

I have the "Watch time for high loadings (sec)" set to the default of 60 seconds, and the DoS F5 attack defense set to a count of 10 for this period with the "Action against F5 Attack" option set to blank screen . To my mind what this means is that if any one IP refereshes the page more than 10 times in a 60 second period, then they are given a blank page. Is this correct?

The reason I ask is that I use a tool called EyeOnSite which polls my website once every 60 seconds to make sure it is still online. When I woke up this morning I found that this EyeOnSite utility had been logged over 700 times for a DoS attack and all I got were blank pages. To me this shouldn't be so as this tool only polls my site once every 60 seconds and the trigger for being considered a DoS attack is 10 refreshes every 60 seconds. Is something wrong, or have I misunderstood these settings?
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