PEAK XOOPS - Re: [Help]about the user permission in englishin japanese

Re: [Help]about the user permission

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question Re: [Help]about the user permission

msg# 1.1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/10/14 10:11
flyaway  Private   Posts: 7
Sorry.. .i am Big5 system... cause i am a new user of xoops, maybe some question is stupid.. pardon me, and my poor english.

After I translate my system to English, the ascii code on above is the different to "Can add" and "Super Add", in chinese, that means need to judge or check.

the member s is only piCal super user ,not my web super user, so "the s doesn't have manage block" means he has not piCal manage block, so he can't delete event or some user add event , and after his check, export it to piCal. so i think he do not need the permissions of module admin.

I set the permissions via blocks/groups admin of piCal, it is only different between super add , can add , and delete. Since I set s (group GS) to "all", I still can't check the event of register user group, I can't find the "piCal manage block" in menu of s account, did I do something wrong?

2th question, what is the "delete" means? is that
(a) can delete event from piCal.
(b) some user post event, after my check, it's not suitble to export to piCal, so delete.
(c) all of the above.
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