PEAK XOOPS - Re: Another new feature proposal: anti high-load in englishin japanese

Re: Another new feature proposal: anti high-load

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none Re: Another new feature proposal: anti high-load

msg# 1.3
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2009/1/24 1:45 | Last modified
onasre  Lance Corporal   Posts: 38

i think Protector Should Have this from long time , Great idea aginst kids who only knows DDOS attack to lunch a hacking attempt . but !

there is no safe way i know to protect you from DDOS attack , there was on tv a chiness Company has created a piec of hardware , i cant remeber wht they call it but this suppose to be filter u put this hardware in front of your server , when the attack lunches the Hardware filter will be the Victem here , the attacker will see this filter as the Server but truly it is not so when the attack stop.. the server will still working ok and the pepole montering the filter will work on stoping the attack before the hardware gets wore out . Search youtube for this Creation .

My point is with Protector Anti DDOS , you Can stop One Guy who ,making 100 Request in less than 5 Seconds or less . But what if there 2 Attackers or 5 or 100 or 1000 ...

this idea still Great but not effective to stop all DDOS Attacks special if there more than one attacker . we Remember How yahoo . Ebay , Cnn went down because the DDos Attack . very simple to lunch it and very hard to stop .
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