PEAK XOOPS - Some suggestions & requests for pical in englishin japanese

Some suggestions & requests for pical

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question Some suggestions & requests for pical

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2008/7/30 9:24 | Last modified
stranger  Lance Corporal   Posts: 22
Hi dear GIJOE,

I am using your pical module for a while and I truly like this module, I have seen you used a javascript library (Dynarch).

This is very good, but I wanted to ask you some improvements and functionality, As you may know, we use different types of calendars in different countries (for example Persians uses Jalali calendar), thus I've searched and found this project, this Persian (Iranian) developer is developing the library you used for pical, and has also made some good works to integrate jalali calendar for us, Now what I'm asking you is, if it is possible for you to also include jalali calendar to pical?

Also we used this convertor to use Jalali calendar in ImpressCMS (1.1) and I'm sure it'll help you!

I hope & wish you help us with this, and if there is any assistance I can do, just let me know

Best regards,

Sina (aka stranger).
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