PEAK XOOPS - Re: Little bug..great module in englishin japanese

Re: Little bug..great module

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question Re: Little bug..great module

msg# 1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/8/31 14:04
rocket98  Lance Corporal   Posts: 22
Hi boufa,

** update ... does not work for me.

I just checked myAlbum Prefs and see a pull down menu "Calc rule for building thumbnails" the last selection here says "put in specified size squre" (spelling). I guess I should look before typing :)

I will try this new setting and see what results I get. I think it means if thumb is set to 100px make a 100px square and so on, so auto cropping? Or is this just for specific image manipulate sources. i use GD i will try that and then the other 2 since i have access to all 3 settings.

We will see what this does and report back.

I have this same issue. I've left it alone simply because the vast majority of images I load into myAlbum come from different sources, hence they are different sizes.

On my site I limit thumb size to 100px width. But not all pictures are correct for this dimension to work. In a perfect world all incoming pics would be 640x480 or some perfectly proportioned size, then setting to 100px each thumb would be perfectly shaped and sized.

But the way it is one image comes in a 1024x540 the next is 728x440 and another comes in at 1800x1280. So if thumbs are set to 100px width in myAlbum the result is odd ball shapes, yet all are 100px width. Some 50 px taller others 30 px shorter etc, etc.

So i too am stuck with odd size thumbnails as well in this perfect world.
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