Free Layout of center parts (Modified)

Date 2006-05-09 10:43:38 | Category: XOOPS

in englishin japanese

With Smarty 2.6.12 (XOOPS 2.0.14JP etc), the theme will be notified some Warnings.
The codes are should be modified like this.

<td id="centercolumn">

	<!-- Display center blocks if any -->
	<{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}>

	$prev_htmls = array(
		'bdbd' => '' ,
		'bdcc' => '<table cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="centerCcolumn" colspan="2">' ,
		'bdcl' => '<table cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="centerLcolumn">' ,
		'bdcr' => '<table cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="centerLcolumn"></td><td class="centerRcolumn">' ,
		'ccbd' => '</td></tr></table>' ,
		'cccc' => '' ,
		'cccl' => '</td></tr><tr><td class="centerLcolumn">' ,
		'cccr' => '</td></tr><tr><td class="centerLcolumn"></td><td class="centerRcolumn">' ,
		'clbd' => '</td><td class="centerRcolumn"></td></tr></table>' ,
		'clcc' => '</td><td class="centerRcolumn"></td></tr><tr><td class="centerCcolumn" colspan="2">' ,
		'clcl' => '' ,
		'clcr' => '</td><td class="centerRcolumn">' ,
		'crbd' => '</td></tr></table>' ,
		'crcc' => '</td></tr><tr><td class="centerCcolumn" colspan="2">' ,
		'crcl' => '</td></tr><tr><td class="centerLcolumn">' ,
		'crcr' => '' ,
	) ;

 	$i = 0 ;
	$xoops_cblocks = array() ;
	if( is_array( @$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_ccblocks'] ) ) foreach( $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_ccblocks'] as $i => $block ) {
		$weight = $block['weight'] * 65536 + $i ;
		$block['align'] = 'cc' ;
		$xoops_cblocks[ $weight ] =  $block ;
	if( is_array( @$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_clblocks'] ) ) foreach( $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_clblocks'] as $i => $block ) {
		$weight = $block['weight'] * 65536 + $i + 16384 ;
		$block['align'] = 'cl' ;
		$xoops_cblocks[ $weight ] =  $block ;
	if( is_array( @$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_crblocks'] ) ) foreach( $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_crblocks'] as $i => $block ) {
		$weight = $block['weight'] * 65536 + $i + 32768 ;
		$block['align'] = 'cr' ;
		$xoops_cblocks[ $weight ] =  $block ;
	// body's weight = 100
	$xoops_cblocks[ 100 * 65536 + 49152 ] = array( 'align' => 'bd' ) ;
	ksort( $xoops_cblocks ) ;
	array_push( $xoops_cblocks , array( 'align' => 'bd' ) ) ;
	$prev_align = 'bd' ;
	foreach( $xoops_cblocks as $key => $block ) {
		$xoops_cblocks[$key]['prev_html'] = $prev_htmls[ $prev_align . $block['align'] ] ;
		$prev_align = $block['align'] ;

	/* foreach( $xoops_cblocks as $key => $block ) {
		echo htmlspecialchars("$key:{$block['align']}:{$block['prev_html']}")."<br />" ;
	exit ; */

	$last = array_pop( $xoops_cblocks ) ;
	$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_cblocks'] = $xoops_cblocks ;
	$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_cblocks_terminator'] = $last['prev_html'] ;

	<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_cblocks}>

		<{if $block.align == "bd"}>

		<div id="content">


		<div style="padding: 5px;">
		<{if $block.title|regex_replace:"/.*none/":"none" ne "none"}>
		<div class="blockTitle"><{$block.title}></div>
		<div class="blockContent"><{$block.content}></div>


		<div id="content">
	<!-- End display center blocks -->


You can read more news at PEAK XOOPS.

The URL for this story is: