Speed up your XOOPS site:-) updated

Date 2005-11-14 18:00:24 | Category: XOOPS

in englishin japanese
redirect_header() makes your site slow.

You can make your site fast only by hack just 2 or 3 point.

This site demonstrates it to you.
The message is displayed as a left block in the redirected page.

The inserting point for hacked codes is different each other by XOOPS core versions.

COMMON in theme.html
Insert this 8 lines into the top of your theme.html

if( ! empty( $_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ) {
	if( empty( $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_lblocks'] ) ) $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_lblocks'] = array() ;
	array_unshift( $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_lblocks'] , array( 'title' => 'Message' , 'content' => $_SESSION['redirect_message'] , 'weight' => 0 ) ) ;
	$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_showlblock'] = 1 ;
	unset( $_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ;

If you use XOOPS 2.2.x, also insert them into themeadmin.html

XOOPS 2.0.13a-JP
line 423 in include/functions.php

        $xoopsTpl->assign('url', $url);
        $message = trim($message) != '' ? $message : _TAKINGBACK;
        $xoopsTpl->assign('message', $message);
        $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_ifnotreload', sprintf(_IFNOTRELOAD, $url));
        $GLOBALS['xoopsModuleUpdate'] = 1;

        // GIJ start
        if( ! headers_sent() ) {
            $_SESSION['redirect_message'] = $message ;
            header( "Location: ".strtr(preg_replace('/[&]amp;/i','&',$url),"\r\n\0","   ") ) ;
            exit ;
        // GIJ end

    } else {
        $url = preg_replace("/& amp;/i", '&', htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES));

        // GIJ start
        if( ! headers_sent() ) {
            $_SESSION['redirect_message'] = $message ;
            header( "Location: ".strtr(preg_replace('/[&]amp;/i','&',$url),"\r\n\0","   ") ) ;
            exit ;
        // GIJ end

        echo '

line 128 in include/cp_functions.php
If you use "admin in theme" of altsys, don't hack this file.

        <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
            <td width='2%' valign='top' class='bg5'  background='".XOOPS_URL."/modules/system/images/bg_menu.gif' align='center'></td>
            <td width='15%' valign='top' class='bg5' align='center'><img src='".XOOPS_URL."/modules/system/images/menu.gif' /><br />
              <table border='0' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>";

        // GIJ start
        if( ! empty( $_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ) {
            echo "<tr><td>".htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['redirect_message'],ENT_QUOTES)."</td></tr>\n" ;
            unset( $_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ;
        // GIJ end

        foreach ( $admin_mids as $adm ) {
            if ( !empty($xoops_admin_menu_ft[$adm]) ) {
                echo "<tr><td align='center'>".$xoops_admin_menu_ft[$adm]."</td></tr>";

line 404 in include/functions.php

    $xoopsTpl->assign('url', $url);
    $message = trim($message) != '' ? $message : _TAKINGBACK;
    $xoopsTpl->assign('message', $message);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_ifnotreload', sprintf(_IFNOTRELOAD, $url));

        // GIJ start
        if( ! headers_sent() ) {
            $_SESSION['redirect_message'] = $message ;
            header( "Location: ".strtr(preg_replace('/[&]amp;/i','&',$url),"\r\n\0","   ") ) ;
            exit ;
        // GIJ end


line 141 in include/cp_functions.php
If you use "admin in theme" of altsys, don't hack this file.

        <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
            <td width='2%' valign='top' class='bg5'  background='".XOOPS_URL."/m
odules/system/images/bg_menu.gif' align='center'></td>
            <td width='15%' valign='top' class='bg5' align='center'><img src='".
XOOPS_URL."/modules/system/images/menu.gif' /><br />
              <table border='0' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>";

        // GIJ start
        if( ! empty( $_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ) {
            echo "<tr><td>".htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['redirect_message'],ENT_QUOTES)."</td></tr>\n" ;
            unset( $_SESSION['redirect_message'] ) ;
        // GIJ end

        foreach ( array_keys($xoops_admin_menu_ft) as $adm ) {
            if ( in_array($adm, $admin_mids) ) {
                echo "<tr><td align='center'>".$xoops_admin_menu_ft[$adm]."</td>

XOOPS 2.2.3 final
line 424 in include/functions.php

    $xTheme->tplEngine->assign('url', $url);
    $message = trim($message) != '' ? $message : _TAKINGBACK;
    $xTheme->tplEngine->assign('message', $message);
    $xTheme->tplEngine->assign('lang_ifnotreload', sprintf(_IFNOTRELOAD, $url));
    $xTheme->tplEngine->assign('xoops_module_header', '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; url='.$url.'" />');
    $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'system_redirect.html';

        // GIJ start
        if( ! headers_sent() ) {
            $_SESSION['redirect_message'] = $message ;
            header( "Location: ".strtr(preg_replace('/[&]amp;/i','&',$url),"\r\n\0","   ") ) ;
            exit ;
        // GIJ end

    include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php";

2005/8/15 fixed

- header( "Location: $url" ) ;
- header( "Location: ".preg_replace("/& amp;/i",'&',$url) ) ;

2005/11/14 modified (for the security reason)

- header( "Location: ".preg_replace("/& amp;/i",'&',$url) ) ;
- header( "Location: ".strtr(preg_replace("/& amp;/i",'&',$url),"\r\n\0"," ") ) ;

2005/11/17 modified (it is not necessary to convert & ) and added 2.2.3final

- header( "Location: ".strtr(preg_replace("/& amp;/i",'&',$url),"\r\n\0"," ") ) ;
- header( "Location: ".strtr($url,array("\r"=>'',"\n"=>'') ) ) ;

2006/4/11 reverted (it is necessary to convert & )

- header( "Location: ".strtr($url,array("\r"=>'',"\n"=>'') ) ) ;
- header( "Location: ".strtr(preg_replace('/[&]amp;/i','&',$url),"\r\n\0"," ") ) ;

You can read more news at PEAK XOOPS.

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