Protector V3

Date 2007-01-31 04:28:54 | Category: XOOPS

in englishin japanese
Protector V3 has just been released.
You'll find this is a changed version drastically.

- The logic goes to XOOPS_TRUST_PATH

Don't forget remove "2 lines" for hooking into protector in mainfile.php before updating the module.
After Protector V3 has been installed/updated, you have to insert "2 lines" containing XOOPS_TRUST_PATH instead of XOOPS_ROOT_PATH into mainfile.php.

- Denying IPs

Protector V3 uses a file for denying IP instead of DB.
If you banned yourself, just remove the file under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/protector/configs/

- Limiting IPs for group=1

If webmaters of your site access from small range of IPs, set this.
It saves you from password cracking, session hijacking etc.
If you cannot log your site in, just remove the file under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/protector/configs/

- anti-XSS (BigUmbrella)

- anti-SPAM with many URIs

Basic logic:

- compatibility checks with XOOPS Cube 2.1 Legacy

Of course, Protector V3 works with XOOPS 2.0.x*, 2.2.x, and Oreteki.

You can read more news at PEAK XOOPS.

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