How to use minihaku (1)

Date 2006-08-27 17:05:28 | Category: XOOPS

in englishin japanese
minihaku is a module for XOOPS 2.0.x
In this document, you'll learn how to customize the designing of "registering user" and "editing user".

- install minihaku
- add a line into mainfile.php (refer README)
- You can redesign/remove form elements by editing minihaku_edituser.html or minihaku_register.html

If you want to remove elements of "email" or "password confirmation", create include/config.php like this.

$auto_belong_groups = array( XOOPS_GROUP_USERS ) ; // default (2)
$allow_blank_email = true ;
$allow_blank_vpass = true ;

Of course, you can redesign/remove items by editing system_userinfo.html.
This is a conventional way.

In (2) or later, I'll write them.

- how to add elements into "registering user" form
- how to add elements into "editing user" form
- how to add items into account information

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