Say good-bye to allow_url_fopen

Date 2004-07-21 17:09:37 | Category: XOOPS

The directive "allow_url_fopen" is a useful feature of PHP.
For example, xoopsheadline is depends on "allow_url_fopen".
If you turn "allow_url_fopen" off, you can't use xoopsheadline neither as main nor as block.

But this feature often cause serious vulnerablities in fact.
I think that "allow_url_fopen On" is a setting which should be avoided as much as "register_globals On".

Scripts using snoopy instead of fopen("http://...","r") can work under "allow_url_fopen Off".
Of course, xoopsheadline can also work under "allow_url_fopen Off" if it is modified as using snoopy.
line 62 in xoopsheadline/class/headlinerenderer.php

		if (!$fp = fopen($this->_hl->getVar('headline_rssurl'), 'r')) {
			$this->_setErrors('Could not open file: '.$this->_hl->getVar('headline_rssurl'));
			return false;
		$data = '';
		while (!feof ($fp)) {
			$data .= fgets($fp, 4096);
		fclose ($fp);


		// start of snoopy hack
		$error_level_stored = error_reporting() ;
		error_reporting( $error_level_stored & ~ E_NOTICE ) ;
		// includes Snoopy class for remote file access
		$snoopy = new Snoopy;
		//TIMEOUT 5 second
		$snoopy->read_timeout = 5;					// timeout on read operations, in seconds
		//URL fetch
		if( ! $snoopy->fetch( $this->_hl->getVar( 'headline_rssurl' ) ) || ! $snoopy->results ) {
			if (!empty($snoopy->error)) {
				$this->_setErrors('Could not open file: '.$this->_hl->getVar('headline_rssurl')."snoopy status=".$snoopy->error);
				return false;
			} else {
				$this->_setErrors('Could not open file: '.$this->_hl->getVar('headline_rssurl'));
				return false;
		$data = $snoopy->results ;
		error_reporting( $error_level_stored ) ;
		// end of snoopy hack
(thx to hokousya & domifara)

I've released a module named as XoopsHeadLine-Duplicatable (xhld).
xhld uses snoopy and modified some points from original.
Of course, xhld is a duplicatable module.
Since this module can be worked independently from xoopsheadline, you can try it at ease.

If you've transferred to xhld or hacked by yourself, add
php_flag allow_url_fopen Off

into .htaccess in XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.
(If you are server's admin, change php.ini and restart httpd)

This modification will make your xoops site stronger against attacks.

You can read more news at PEAK XOOPS.

The URL for this story is: