anti-XSS system (3)

Date 2006-06-22 12:46:44 | Category: PHP

in englishin japanese
The simple pattern of BigUmbrella has 3 problems.

(A) XSS check should be done only for "Content-Type: text/html".
(B) ob_start() will increase server's load when php transfers a huge file.
(C) preview situation with html allowed.

For (B), you should disable ob fileter manually.

	// remove output bufferings
	while( ob_get_level() ) {
		ob_end_clean() ;

For (C), you should disable BigUmbrella manually.

	define( 'BIGUMBRELLA_DISABLED' , true ) ;

Don't forget checking referer or ticket in the situation.

This is the modified code for (A) and (C).
I will argue about super variables of $_COOKIE and $_SERVER in next article.

function bigumbrella_init() {
	foreach( $_GET as $key => $val ) {
		if( preg_match( '/[<\'"].{15}/s' , $val , $regs ) ) {
			$GLOBALS['bigumbrella_doubtfuls'][] = $regs[0] ;
	foreach( $_POST as $key => $val ) {
		if( preg_match( '/[<\'"].{15}/s' , $val , $regs ) ) {
			$GLOBALS['bigumbrella_doubtfuls'][] = $regs[0] ;
	if( ! empty( $GLOBALS['bigumbrella_doubtfuls'] ) ) {
		ob_start( 'bigumbrella_outputcheck' ) ;

function bigumbrella_outputcheck( $s ) {
	if( defined( 'BIGUMBRELLA_DISABLED' ) ) return $s ;

	if( function_exists( 'headers_list' ) ) {
		foreach( headers_list() as $header ) {
			if( stristr( $header , 'Content-Type:' ) && ! stristr( $header , 'text/html' ) ) {
				return $s ;

	if( ! is_array( @$GLOBALS['bigumbrella_doubtfuls'] ) ) {
		return "bigumbrella injection found." ;

	foreach( $GLOBALS['bigumbrella_doubtfuls'] as $doubtful ) {
		if( strstr( $s , $doubtful ) ) {
			return "XSS found." ;
	return $s ;

$GLOBALS['bigumbrella_doubtfuls'] = array() ;
bigumbrella_init() ;

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