PEAK XOOPS - auto-login hacked files for XOOPS 2.0.10/11/12/13aJP in englishin japanese

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Download Now! Download Now! auto-login hacked files for XOOPS 2.0.10/11/12/13aJP Popular Version: 2.0.13aJP
Submitted Date:  2005/11/14
in englishin japanese

== AUTO-LOGIN V3 (REMEMBER ME) hacked files for XOOPS 2.0.10/11/12/13aJP ==


Hacked core files to be able to login automatically (+ alpha).
This package is for XOOPS 2.0.10*-JP or 2.0.11*-JP or 2.0.12*-JP or 2.0.13*-JP

1) Overwrite these files into your XOOPS 2.0.10/11/12/13aJP
2) update system module. If you are using a custom template set you will need to edit or delete the system_block_login.html for that set by template manager.

AUTO-LOGIN V3 is a little safer than V2.
V3 stores user's password as md5 encoded with time limitation.
If cookie is stolen by someone, he can't login after auto-login expiration.
This means that short expiration makes your site a little bit safer.

The feature of Retry or Repost is implemented with AUTO-LOGIN V2.

- You can access dynamic contents directly with autologin without CSRF vulnerablities.

- You can retry to post even if you are timed-out from the session.

These features are implemented in session_confirm.php.
Don't forget uploding this file.

If you want to set the life time of remembering, insert a line into mainfile.php like this:


This example specifies the life time as 1 month.
The default value is 604800 (= 1week).

The prior version of auto-login hacks useed the value of session_expire.
But this hack harms customizing session.
Thus I've changed the code like above.

This hack stores the password as an MD5 hash on the client, but this is vulnerable to dictionary attacks, and simple copying to another computer.

This hack is a potential security hole, don't enable it lightly.


You can easily find hacked points by searching the words 'GIJ'.
If you use customized language files or some language files other than english or japanese, you should manually add a line into language/(your language)/global.php

define('_REMEMBERME','remember me'); // describe with your language
define('_RETRYPOST','Time-out. Do you post again?');

And if you can, edit this line.

define('_USERNAME','username or email: '); // describe with your language


This hack also modifies your XOOPS can be logged in by email.
Users can login not only uname+password but also email+password.
Of course, even the users logged in by email+password can login automatically on/after next access.

2005/11/14 - checked this hack works fine with 2.0.13a-JP

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