PEAK XOOPS - auto-login hacked files for XOOPS in englishin japanese

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Submitted Date:  2005/6/28

== AUTO-LOGIN V2 (REMEMBER ME) hacked files for XOOPS 2.0.9.x ==

Security fix: overwrite include/checklogin.php and include/common.php again.


Hacked core files to be able to login automatically (+ alpha).
This package is for XOOPS 2.0.9.x (2.0.9 -

1) Overwrite these files into your XOOPS 2.0.9.x
2) update system module. If you are using a custom template set you will need to edit the system_block_login.html for that set.

The feature of Retry or Repost is implemented with AUTO-LOGIN V2.

- You can access dynamic contents directly with autologin without CSRF vulnerablities.

- You can retry to post even if you are timed-out from the session.

These features are implemented in session_confirm.php.
Don't forget uploding this file.

If you want to set the life time of remembering, insert a line into mainfile.php like this:


This example specifies the life time as 1 month.
The default value is 604800 (= 1week).

The prior version of auto-login hacks useed the value of session_expire.
But this hack harms customizing session.
Thus I've changed the code like above.

This hack stores the password as an MD5 hash on the client, but this is vulnerable to dictionary attacks, and simple copying to another computer.

This hack is a potential security hole, don't enable it lightly.


You can easily find hacked points by searching the words 'GIJ'.
If you use customized language files or some language files other than english or japanese, you should manually add a line into language/(your language)/global.php

define('_REMEMBERME','remember me'); // describe with your language
define('_RETRYPOST','Time-out. Do you post again?');

And if you can, edit this line.

define('_USERNAME','username or email: '); // describe with your language


This hack also modifies your XOOPS can be logged in by email.
Users can login not only uname+password but also email+password.
Of course, even the users logged in by email+password can login automatically on/after next access.

Onokazu took the auto-login hack which GIJOE had released, into XOOPS core with comment-outed.

But I think these codes should be deprecated.
These are the reasons why:

A) The cookie's path is root (='/'). This cause a collision of the cookies from two Xoops sites running on the same hostname.

B) This hack weakens XOOPS from CSRF attack. (Some modules are defenseless from CSRF. They delete or update its records by GET methods easily.)

To prevents from CSRF, my autologin codes force redirection to XOOPS_URL when query is not null.

C) The old hack harms customized session.


●XOOPS 2.0.9.x用のオートログインハック(+α)済みコアファイルパック (V2)

セキュリティホールのパッチも含んでいます: include/checklogin.php と include/common.php を再度上書きしてください


XOOPS 2.0.9.x (2.0.9から2.0.9.3まで)に自動ログイン機能を付与するためのパッチです。
このアーカイブ内に含まれる全ファイルを、お使いのXOOPS 2.0.9.x に上書きすることで、自動ログイン機能が有効になります。(実際には上書き後に、システムモジュールをアップデートするか、ログインブロックのテンプレートを編集する必要があります)





もし、この値を変更したい場合は、mainfile.php に対して下のように1行追加して下さい。


この行は少なくとも、include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php"; と書かれた行より上にある必要があります。

また、言語ファイル (langage/japanese/global.php) に手を入れている方は、このファイルを上書きするのではなく、ご自身で書き換えてください。

define('_USERNAME','ユーザID または e-mail: '); // 書き換え

define('_REMEMBERME','IDとパスワードを記憶'); // 追加
define('_RETRYPOST','時間切れでした。再投稿しますか?'); // 追加




また、従前の自動ログインHackでは、自動ログインの有効期限として、session_expireの値を流用していましたが、こうしてしまうと、カスタムセッション機能が事実上使えなくなってしまうため、XOOPS_AUTOLOGIN_LIFETIME という定数で指定する方式に改めました。

これだけ書くと、RyujiさんのemailLoginHackと同じじゃないか、と思われそうですが、あそこまできちんと作っていません。ユーザー名として送られてきた文字列に、@ が含まれていれば、email によるログインだと推定してログインを試す、というだけのHackです。

逆に言えば、その分、Hack箇所も少なくて済んでいます。基本的には、include/checklogin.php だけの変更ですので、コアバージョンへの追随も少しは楽になるかもしれません。


また、include/common.php などは、他のHackとバッティングしやすいので、上書きされると困るケースもあるでしょう。その場合は、このアーカイブの各ファイルについて、'GIJ'という文字列で検索すれば、Hack箇所がどこか、すぐに判るはずです。


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toonstruck  Posted on 2005/3/10 13:02
Success!! Thank you!
GIJOE  Posted on 2005/3/8 19:02
p.s. Even though it says I can use an email to log in- that does not work. I can only use a username to log in.
It must be a miss to overwriting include/checklogin.php .

Try to copy it again.
toonstruck  Posted on 2005/3/5 1:31 | Last modified
I'm glad that everyone is getting theirs to work. However, I'm still not able to get mine to work. :(

Can someone help?

I have installed the files, and I do get the "enter username or email" and also there is a "remember me" checkbox.

But it still wont remember your login after you shut down the browser.

Any suggestions on where to fix this?

p.s. Even though it says I can use an email to log in- that does not work. I can only use a username to log in.

p.p.s. I did update the systems module
Amy9621  Posted on 2005/3/2 2:04
ooh it works, thanks!
pmhoran  Posted on 2005/2/23 9:28
You're welcome ...

Its surprising what a middle age newbie can learn by making the same mistakes himself

cxjon  Posted on 2005/2/23 8:27
that worked.... thanks
cxjon  Posted on 2005/2/23 8:21
do i need to shut off the site to do that?
pmhoran  Posted on 2005/2/23 6:54
cxjon ...

When that happened to me it was because I had not "updated" the System module.

I am a sort of newbie ... but doing that worked for me

cxjon  Posted on 2005/2/23 6:43 | Last modified
I am having problems with this script I have loaded everything, and everything works except the "Remember me" check box is not showing up.

Here is what is going wrong, from the admin/blocks/login/edit template, I see the following:

<!-- <input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="On" class ="formButton" /><{$block.lang_rememberme}><br /> //-->

The file is not showing this nor is anything in the database or other files I check aside from a file in templates_c but even if I edit that, the system still lies

Ž¿what am I doing wrong?
GIJOE  Posted on 2005/2/21 18:27
I forgot to update System module after re-copying all the files over. I did it ... and now it works GREAT. Thanks for the assistance.
I'm happy to hear it.

This is just an issue of template.

ShortURLs does not harm autologin hack, I think.
Username or e-mail:


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