PEAK XOOPS - Safe method to check for loaded classes in englishin japanese

Safe method to check for loaded classes

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2010/12/31 8:40
skenow  二等兵 From: Minnesota  Posts: 9
Hi, GiJoe - In trust_path/modules/protector/include/, you are testing to see if the Database class exists before including This is OK - if the cms is not using a true autoload system (spl_autoload_register()), as is being done in ImpressCMS 1.3.

When class_exists() checks for a class and the spl_autoload_register has already triggered, the class is loaded, if it isn't already. This causes Protector to get caught in a loop, constantly loading precheck and postcheck until PHP runs out of memory. Here is a safer way to perform the check,

if (in_array('Database', get_declared_classes())) {

Many thanks for your work!
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